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Forme is tightly integrated with Advanced Custom Fields, and includes a few conventions and some useful magic for handling fields.

Creating a field group

Field groups live in app/Fields and should implement Forme/Framework/Fields/FieldGroupInterface. They have a single method, add, into which you can copy the php from the export feature in ACF.

// app/Fields/FooBarFielGroup.php

namespace YourNameSpace\YourApp\Fields;

use Forme\Framework\Fields\FieldGroupInterface;

final class FooBarFieldGroup implements FieldGroupInterface
    public function add(): void
            'key'                   => 'group_5fc6297c4b8cb',
            'title'                 => 'Foo',
            'fields'                => ['etc'],


Don't put more than one field group per class. Also try to keep field groups as small as possible when you're configuring your forms in acf itself. You want to keep things composable and maintainable.

Field Registry

The field registry class takes care of adding all your field groups, it globs the classes in app\Fields on the acf/init hook, and cycles through each one, calling add.

Automatic injection into Template Controllers

ACF Fields for the queried object are automatically injected into Template Controllers - take a look at $request['fields'].

Otherwise, call get_field or get_fields as you would do normally.


You shouldn't ever need to use ACF's get_sub_field function, especially since we really recommend not using its have_rows antipattern in the first place. Try to refactor if you start reaching for either of those.

Code Generation

You can create a new field group via the cli:

forme make field FooBar

This will make a new field group class YourNameSpace\YourApp\Fields\FooBarFieldGroup ready to populate.

Made by Moussa Clarke @ Sanders Web Works with ❤️